Midwifery Conference 2022

Isabella Corvino

The University of Perugia, Italy

Title: Maternal Health and Postnatal Care: an identity issue


The moment of contact between migrant women with the health sector identified in that of childbirth and care is a significant time from a personal and collective point of view. The starting point of a new family unit in another cultural context turns out to be an important moment to address issues related to the transmission of culture, the management of the network in a phase of rooting and the comparison of subjects with well-defined regulatory and social frameworks. The importance of the migration network (Bunse 2019) before and during the migratory experience has already been dealt with in sociology but the possible influence of this, both positive and negative, in the integration process and during transition phases in which we deal with the theme of health or the problematization of tradition and culture of origin need further deepening (Corvino 2021). The network can facilitate anticipatory socialization processes and support subjects in their socio-economic integration into the destination country but can also cause distress at the individual and network level. Origin country networks guarantee support and protection but also could represent the possibility of a partial closure to the experience of life in a new context.
This on field study (Careggi Hospital in Florence, survey of second-level sources and qualitative interviews with the health personnel who usually deal with these women) aimed at assessing the “resistance level” of migrants to new cultural approaches perceived as an attack to identity while creating understanding of the issue for both the researcher as well as the interviewees. Sometimes the difficulty of communication and attribution of meaning to certain actions can lead to problematic differences. This has been a preliminary experimental study that will need further investigation and more quantitative and quantitative analysis.


Isabella Corvino teaches Sociology at the University of Perugia. Graduated in Comparative Studies in Naples, a degree with strong cultural and social dimension and then continued her studies in international relations, international cooperation and finally policy analysis in her PhD and Brown University course on ethnicity, conflict, inequalities. Her PhD degree is in Social Science and Economic Studies was obtained at Bologna University. Her final dissertation, “Migration and global citizenship – a study on the meaning of recognition between culture and identity” examines the crises of personal and national identity to the fore the problem of belonging and recognition. Over the past 15 years, she has taught in different courses (Sapienza University of Rome, Perugia University, Unitelma University of Rome, Luiss Guido Carli) and has carried research on recognition, otherness, belonging, gender. Among the last publications: 2021, Appartenersi. Verso un modello complesso di interpretazione del riconoscimento.