Track: Induction of Labour
Indications for Induction of Labour: Understanding when labor induction is medically necessary, such as in cases of post-term pregnancy, preeclampsia, or fetal growth restriction.
Methods of Induction: Exploring the different methods used to induce labor, including pharmacological options (e.g., prostaglandins, oxytocin) and non-pharmacological methods (e.g., membrane stripping, mechanical methods).
Monitoring and Management During Induction: Best practices for monitoring maternal and fetal well-being during the induction process, including the use of fetal heart rate monitoring and assessment of uterine activity.
Risks and Complications of Induction: Discussing potential risks and complications associated with labor induction, such as uterine hyperstimulation, infection, and the need for cesarean delivery.
Patient Education and Support: Addressing the importance of informing and preparing the patient for the induction process, managing expectations, and offering emotional and physical support.
Scientific Highlights
- Pregnant Women: Holistic Care and Support
- Reproductive Biology: Foundations and Advances
- Maternal Healthcare and Postnatal Care: Ensuring Lifelong Wellness
- Antenatal Care During Your Pregnancy
- Perinatal Outcomes in Pregnancy
- Breast Feeding and Mother Care
- Induction of Labour
- Gynecologic and Obstetrics
- Embryo Ethics
- Medical disorders in pregnancy and complications